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Happy birthday to me...

It's that time of the year again, bitter-sweet when I'm happy about it being my day and simultaneously rue the fact that I'm a year older. I have a close friend from school who was born just 23 days before me and so on my birthday we both laugh about how we've become a year older and probably none the wiser. It has become a yearly ritual of sorts. But, aside from that, I'm at peace with my life. I don't expect or even wish for a celebration. I'm happy being busy, having a perfectly normal day. 

Of course, it was different when I was a kid. I used to be very excited and looked forward to gifts and new clothes and just general merriment all in "my honor". :P I don't really miss that now. Maybe it's because I've grown up. But, I think some of my family still thinks I miss it and worse, they get sad on my behalf. This is just unnecessary and frankly, a hassle.

Yes, no doubt it's nice when friends or family celebrate your birthday, but having a normal nice quiet day is also not bad. And, especially at this stage of my life when everyone, including myself, is very busy, using the birthday as an opportunity to catch up with people is what I enjoy the most. And, that is what happened today. I had good long conversations with everyone I'm close to. It was a good day. And then, to top it, I cooked Rajma, one of my favorite dishes, for dinner and over-ate, until I couldn't any more.

Birthday dinner: Rice, Rajma, Raita & Pyaaz with Nimbu

Here's to many more happy, content birthdays...


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